Follow the links and enjoy the legacy of our nation’s secret heroes of the Cold War as we establish and record it as a vital part of our NVAHOF oral history program.’

The NVAHOF Oral History Project records and preserves the personal stories behind Nevada’s aviation history. NVAHOF founders and members participated in the award-winning Nevada Test Site Oral History Project, 2003-2008, at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, directed by Dr. Mary Palevsky.” The NVAHOF has continued to work with other scholars to document Nevada’s unique place in our nation’s aerospace history.”

We encourage you to visit the excellent product of Dr. Palevsky’s interviews at


The Zero-length Launch (ZELL) Program began with a launch of an F-84G in 1955. Each test utilized a USAF fighter mounted on the back of a flatbed truck and had a rocket motor attached to the airframe. The footage in the clip took place in Indian Springs, Nevada in 1958 when an F-100 was used.

Dedication of memorial for those lost at Area 51 during CIA U-2 Project Aquatone and A-12 Project Oxcart.

Jess Hartris, the Flying Sheriff

Genie Missile Test. This atomic blast in Nevada was a test of a 2-kiloton nuclear-armed air-to-air weapon designed to defend the United States from an attack from enemy bombers. A live Genie was detonated only once in Operation Plumbbob on July 19 1957. It was fired by AF Captain Eric William Hutchison (pilot) and AF Captain Alfred C. Barbee (radar operator) flying a F-89J over Yucca Flats.


Dr. Dan Bubb Interview on Early Aviation in Nevada. Dan Bubb, Ph.D. (Director of Education Programs for the Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame) discusses the early aviation in Nevada during an opening ceremony of the third terminal at McCarran International Airport.

Gary Francis Powers, CIA U-2 pilot and veteran of Groom Lake in 1956, received the long deserved Silver Star award.

Early_U-2_Groom during CIA Project Aquatone at Watertown, a.k.a. Groom Lake – Declassified CIA film of Groom Lake operations during Project Aquatone in 1955 – 1957

BGen Dennis Sullivan Mach 3 – gear down story.

CIA Pilot, Col Ken collins about A-12 pilots.

CIA pilot Jack Layton discuses Blackshield Missions.

CIA A-12 Pilot Frank Murray on training and flying the A-12

CIA A-12 Pilot Murray discusses Lou Schalk

CIA A-12 Pilot Murray about loss of planes and pilots

CIA A-12 pilot about Kelly Johnson.

CIA pilot Ken Collins on Recruitment for CIA Project Oxcart.

CIA A-12 pilot Jack Layeon on his bailouts from burning C-47 and F-101

CIA A-12 pilot Jack Layton on his recruitment

CIA A-12 pilot on his bailout of burning YF-12

CIA A-12 pilot, BGen Dennis Sullivan of Blackshield Missions.

CIA pilot, BGen Dennis Sullivan about Lovelace Clinic

CIA A-12 pilot, BGen Dennis Sullivan about the Groom Lake Flying Club

CIA A-12 pilot, BGen Dennis Sullivan on his recruitment by the CIA

Megan Kelly Interviews NVAHOF Director TD Barnes

NVAHOF Director TD Barnes intoduces CIA OXCART Panel at the National Atomic Testing Museum

NVAHOF Director TD Barnes on the history of Project Oxcart

TD Barnes states his belief that the United States has UAVs providing the surveillance previously provided by the CIA A-12 and Air Force SR-71 Blackbirds

T D Barnes discusses the topic of secrecy at Groom Lake during CIA Project Oxcart

In the 1960s T.D. Barnes first participated in the CIA Project Palladium as the agency prepared a replacement plane for the U-2 flying over the Soviet Union. He later supported the A-12 project codenamed Project Oxcart while on at the Beatty station of the NASA High Range as a hypersonic flight support specialist.M/p>

First Flight of the A-12 narrated by its pilot, Lockheed Test Pilot Lou Schalk


Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame