During World War II, the United States, fearing an invasion of its West Coast by Japan, moved its Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard, and Army installation from California to Nevada to establish its line of defense. The state of Nevada, already known as the Battle Born State, became the nation’s coastal defense should Japan invade the United States mainland. Thus, the US military services established airports and airstrips throughout the state of Nevada. As part of its education program, virtual museum, and to provide a public resource, NVAHOF encourages Nevada school and college students to research and publish on this website the history and legacy of aviation and aerospace in this state. This page offers a starting point for students on the history of Nevada’s historical airports and airstrips. NVAHOF welcomes all comments and information for adding to this page as a resource to others. Listed below are links to the various categories for this educational project. Visit our virtual museum for more on Nevada’s aviation and aerospace legacy.


1129th SAS 1140th SAS 1189th SAS 4070th SAS 4477th
6513th A-12 CIA Aerial MS AF ROTC Apollo
Aquiline Project Atomic Airdrops B-1 Lancer B-2 Spirit Bird of Prey
Civil Air Patrol Constant Peg Convair B-36 Convair X-6 F-117
F-22A Raptor Fisher Space Pen F8F GBU Smart Bomb Genie Launch
HALSOL Have Blue Have Drill Have Ferry Have Doughnut Have Glass
Have Glib M21-D21 Tagboard Nellis Range MiGs Nevada Morning Light
Mud Lake MX324 MX334 MX Missile N-9M
NTS T-1 Training NTS Msl Crash Nuclear Aircraft Nuclear Thermal Rocket Ops Pinball
Oxcart Pluto Predator Project 57 Reaper
Red Flag Regulus Roachlake RSL Senior Bowl
Senior Prom Senior Trend Special Projects Tacit Blue Project Timberwind
Tomahawk Cruise Msl TSSAM U-2 WS-125 X-15
X-56 XB-79 XB-70 XF-90 YF-113G
YF-12 Yucca Lady B-17


‎‎Military‎ Facilities Restricted Military Space Programs Space Facilites
Commerical Airports Private Airports Historical Airports & Airstrips Historical Crashes


Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame